Create Your Lightning Address

Use Alby to create a Lightning Address for yourself, a human-readable text that replaces the need for QR Codes

Create Your Lightning Address

A Lightning Address is a human-readable text that replaces the need for QR Codes to send a creator Bitcoin over the Lightning Network.

It is a protocol to empower everyone to send money like we send emails - instantly and abundantly.

Since it looks like an email address, it is easy to share and remember. A user can connect their own Lightning node to an Alby address and receive sats directly in their private wallet. Watch the video below to learn how you can get your own Lightning Address with Alby to start exchanging sats within seconds!

Step 1a: Visit

  • Scroll down to ‘Get a Lightning Address’


Step 1b: Visit directly

Step 2: Click on ‘Create Lightning Address’, a new page opens

  • Give yourself an easy to remember name

Remember, your Lightning Address can’t be changed at a later date so choose wisely

Step 3: Click on ‘Create Address’, a new page opens

  • Type your email address
  • Give a strong password
  • Retype the password

The email and password are needed to help you access your Lightning Address in case you forget

Step 4: Click ‘Sign Up’, a new page opens

  • You will see your chosen Lightning Address here
  • If you want, you can rename it here

If the Lightning Address you have chosen is already taken, you will receive a prompt

Step 5: Click ‘Create Address’, a new page opens

Your Lightning Address is now ready to send and receive Bitcoin. You can -

  • Click on ‘Account’ to see a list of your transactions
  • Click on ‘Wallet’ to add your wallet to the Alby extension or BlueWallet
  • Click on ‘Settings’ to connect your LND node or edit your details

You can now integrate your Lightning Address on various social media platforms. Have a look at this webpage to learn how you can receive bitcoin on your website and social media channels.