Introducing Alby Wallet Webhooks for Developers

Today we are happy to announce the addition of Webhooks to our Alby Wallet API. Webhooks allow services to be instantly notified of user's incoming and outgoing payments and act upon them.
Without Webhooks, a service has to continuously poll an account for new invoices and keep track of unprocessed ones, which is both inefficient and unnecessarily complex. Podcasting services like Conshax that allow you to connect your Alby account will be able to provide an improved experience to analyze real-time payments. Alby Webhooks are powered by SVIX which provides reliable and secure Webhooks as service, so there's no need to worry about unreliable webhooks and having to create fallback solutions.
ZapSplitter: An Alby Webhooks Showcase
We have created an awesome demo to give you inspiration: ZapSplitter.
ZapSplitter is a simple showcase based on Dergigi's idea of Lightning Prisms, which allows you to configure lightning splits for your Alby account. Whenever you receive a payment, you can forward a percentage of it to support your favorite bitcoin, lightning or Nostr developers and content creators. These payments can be forwarded by multiple users, making a cascading effect of payments. ZapSplitter plugs directly into your Alby account, so it's easy to set up and can be disabled at any time.
The code is available on Replit and Github.
Start Coding Webhooks
We've updated the Alby Wallet API Documentation and added new functions to create and delete webhooks to the Alby JS SDK.
A Simple Replit
We've also made a simple replit to show the basics of how to create and handle webhooks. COMING SOON
Building Lightning-Powered Apps
Alby is powering web economies with bitcoin and is a leader in creating the services, building blocks and examples you need to add payment or value transaction capabilities to your applications. Apart from ZapPlanner, ZapSplitter is another tool that enables seamless flow of value, just as information flows on the internet today: instantly and without boundaries. Visit our developer page to learn more.
Webhooks for your personal account
We are looking to also add webhook management directly from your Alby account. This will allow users to easily add personal webhooks for activity on your personal account, which you can use to power your own applications or receive notifications on other apps such as Discord. Would you use this feature? Let us know!